Metaverse / NFTs (what it is/what next?)

Those two terms usually come together. They are different concepts, but they met in a metaverse 🙂 I will try to do this simple, you can always google stuff 🙂 or you can type [term] explained on youtube 🙂

  1. A Metaverse – it is a platform where you can do stuff, its like 3D social network… to use it, you need both new hardware and new software. New hardware is, for example, currently available, VR headset like Oculus Rift. You see the problem number 1: you have to buy it, and not only you, but everybody else… imho, it is not coming anytime soon… The new software thing is a bit easier: they are working on it 🙂 as we speak 🙂 who? Facebook, inc and others. At least they claim that things are just fine (no they are not – they spend way too much without returns). Who owns the platform? well… the new software owner… Yes, there might be more than one metaverse. But before they cooperate, the owners MUST agree on industry standards. it means: if you buy a hat or a bicycle in fb metaverse, you can use it in microsoft metaverse… they are not cooperating on this fundamental challenge, all of em are hoping they will be one and only, which is not going to happen. internet speed has to increase for this thing to work… globally… not happening any time soon, and if everything is fine and it works without problems, guess what? is people gonna using it? 🙂 there is a hope that the metaverse will come out of a gaming and take over the world. how stupid is that? maybe, when UBI is primary source of income, globally…
  2. NFTs is non fungible token (like bitcoin or eth, but each token is unique). You buy NFTs to own stuff in the Metaverse. People can easily overlook that NTF is (usually) digital asset ON A ETHEREUM BLOCKCHAIN —> its destiny depends on ETH destiny… or even worse, the token can be on some other even shitter blockchain. You see the problem? Ok, Facebook or Microsoft are going to create their blockchain and we can put tokens there? Not gonna happened any time soon. its like allowing them to print their own money. FB tried that with libra – that was an epic fail… not gonna happened any time soon…

I am not a Metaverse believer. Yes, you can make money by buying or selling NFTs, but its not a good karma… Until, there is globally accepted blockchain, recognized by global authority like UN, then NFTs can serve as legal proof of ownership, until then, you own 1s and 0s and you are waiting for a bigger idiot to have them…

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