Which wallet to use? (here is my choice)

It’s up to you. You are responsible for your own designations.

Android: Samourai

Best privacy features. Easy to use.

Windows / Linux: Exodus

It`s beautiful πŸ™‚ Great design. Easy to use and backup.

Hardware wallet: Flash drive

I am not fan of hardware wallets available on the market today, so I can recommend this: Download Kali Linux, install a persistence version on a flash memory, yes, set a password and you can use Exodus there or Electrum…

Brain wallet: here πŸ™‚

Go to https://www.bitaddress.org/. You can click on the brain wallet tab, enter your password and get you keys OR you can download zip from GitHub and run it on your device for more safety… zip: https://github.com/pointbiz/bitaddress.org/archive/v3.3.0.zip

Final thought…

The current state of “holding your bitcoin” or crypto in general is pretty much shit… Things easily can go wrong no matter what solution you use… That is, one may argue, the single biggest challenge for mass adoption of bitcoin. We need something like customer service (if things go south) and your grandma can use it. Decentralized idiot-friendly solution. Yes, it`s hard… but we will get there πŸ™‚

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